Saturday, March 26, 2016

Beta testing, it's a good idea.

As part of the last assignment we had to set up an online meeting. I used it to pre-test some video conference options we were considering for an upcoming trip. Good thing too. Three laptops running windows, one android tablet, and one windows 10 tablet and five or so conference options later, we did manage to get Google Hangouts working acceptably. Not perfect, but acceptable.

I already use google drive to move files between computers. I have used shared drives, network drives, usb flash drives, and probably some others. Between computers at home, network drives across the LAN are the way to go. However, if one computer is at home and another at school that doesn't work. Google Drive has been reliable for uploading files and keeping the designated folder current with the online version. By keeping things like my in class slideshows in the Drive I can work on them at home and then use them at school. However, if there is an internet connection problem either at home or school or somewhere between, it can be a problem. Doesn't happen often, I think only once since I started using it, but one does have to keep in mind it can fail.

My school already uses dropbox quite a bit. In class, I prefer to use some physical flash drives I had on hand since they don't depend on a data connection or online sources. However, if students need to transport something between school, home, or work at the library, a physical drive can all to easily go missing. So, setting up a dropbox for them to keep classwork in tends to be a better solution. This does still require a data connection and a computer, so frequently limits my students to working at school or at the library (lots of them don't have any kind of computer access at home).

I have participated in video conferences before. A few of the online continuing education courses I took as a lawyer used it and it always seemed to work well. From my end. This was one of the tools we tried on our own computers and setting it up was a somewhat different story. I'd like to make more use of something like this to bring classrooms together, say conferencing between my science class and the other 6th grade science teacher so our classes could compete during test review or something like that. However, that would mean two teachers being on track that day and I well know that the other teacher and I are far too alike (aka not well organized) for that to be likely to happen without a LOT of preparation. Still, would be cool.

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